Friday, October 9, 2015

Scratch - Before the Rain [Swedish Radio Broadcast] (2010)

Artist: Scratch
Release: Before the Rain, Swedish Radio Broadcast 14/9-2010
Genre: Heavy Metal
Country: Sweden
Bitrate: 256kbps

1. Before the Rain (Swedish Broadcast)

The following are taken from an article written by Sveriges Radio (Morgonen):

In 1985 the Karlskrona band Scratch released the single "Before the Rain" in a limitation of 1500 copies and it was not really some huge successes, even though the band actually got to be the opening act for Europe once. But collectors have become extremly interested in the single lately and yesterday (13/9-2010) a copy was sold for 7000kr (ca 1000$) on an internet auction.

-From the beginning, it was probably a mistake, ten years ago Japanese collectors thought that we were a new band from England and then it became a thing out of it and the price was inflated, said the band's singer Niklas "Nico Noon" Olausson to Morgonen. But a comeback does not seem up to date, despite the obvious urge for Scratch.

Patrick Franke rooted around in the dusty vinyl archives in the basement and actually found a copy of the single.

- It's tempting to sell it but I resist, "said Patrick.

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