Friday, October 9, 2015

Alexander Nevsky - ????? ????????? (1988) [2 Versions]

Release: Rusiyu Vskormlen (????? ?????????), 1988
Genre: Heavy Metal / Traditional Doom Influences
Country: Russia
Bitrate: 256 / 320kbps
?RGhost / Mediafire [both versions]

Here is two versions of Alexander Nevsky's 1988 album "????? ????????? (Brought Up by Russia)" , the second one have almost a totally different tracklist except the 2 first tracks. I have tried to figure out why there exists another version but couldn't really understand anything that was written about it... so I turn to you Russians (or anyone who knows) for help with an explenation to all this.

Version 1 (256kbs):
1.Intro (?????)
2.Rusiyu Vskormlen (????? ?????????)
3.Grezyat Bezumcy (?????? ???????)
4.Karavan (???????)
5.More Solnce I Zemlya (????, ?????? ? ?????)
6.Skitalec (????????)
7.Solnca Luch (?????? ???)
8.Hameleon (????????)

Version 2 (320kbps):
1. Intro
2. Rusiyu Vskormlen
3. Vkus Rechi Rodnoy
4. Aleksandr Nevsriy
5. Zvezda
6. Izbranik Raya
7. Mirovozzrenie A Rubleva
8. Propovednik Dobra

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